Some things are worth fighting for...

My husband Herman Burnett is a police officer at Lambert – St. Louis International Airport. He is assigned to the Canine Unit and has a bomb dog partner, July. July lives with us and is a part of our family.

Herman is retiring in January 2010 after 36 with the City of St. Louis , the last 31 with the Lambert Airport Police Department, the last 15 years assigned to the Canine Division as a bomb dog handler.

Canine July belongs to the Federal Government, specifically TSA (Transportation Security Administration). Herman would like July, who will turn 6 in January, to be retired with him.

Instead of retiring July, personnel at Lackland AFB want to have July shipped back to the kennels there, to eventually be paired with another handler located in another city.

This decision has totally devastated Herman and our family.

We are hoping to reach someone who can help Officer Burnett keep his canine partner. If you know something, anything, anyone (maybe a friend in Washington D.C. ;) we would be forever grateful for your assistance!

Reimbursing TSA for July is an option!!

Officer Burnett proudly served his country in the armed forces. He has over 31 years in Law Enforcement. His only wish is to have July retired to him.

Also see the ABOUT ME for more on July.

Can you or do you know someone who would be willing to help us, please contact us at
and we will get right back to you! Thanks so much for reading!

Monday, November 30, 2009

How can you help?

I was asked what could one do to help.

As you know we are trying to get Senator Claire McCaskill to intervene on July's behalf. We feel that is our best hope.

If anyone would like to help, please call the Senator's office and ask that she help one of her constituent's, Herman Burnett in St. Louis, keep his canine partner.

These are her Washington, ... D.C. numbers...

Office of Senator Claire McCaskill
United States Senate
Hart Senate Office Building, SH-717
Washington, D.C. 20510

(202) 224-6154

Here is the St. Louis, MO numbers...
5850 A Delmar Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63112


Thanks all!


Still hadn't heard back from Senator Claire McCaskill's office after they said someone would call back after a couple days (Herman was told to get a cover letter ready).

I searched our Verizon cell logs and got the phone number in Washington D.C. - Herman called back this morning and the guy said he doesn't know if they would be able to do anything. So he had told Herman to get a cover letter ready (which we did) and then he was never going to call back???
I am so hurt and disgusted!! Is there no one anymore that has any compassion?? What a cruel thing to do to Herman - give him (us) hope and then he wasn't going to even have the decency of getting back to him!

I have gone on the Senator's website and requested a meeting with the Senator - included pictures of Herman with July (not making it so anonymous). (You can request a meeting with her on her website.)

I know the Senator Twitters a lot! I don't know much about Twitter, so I don't know if there is a way to get word to her directly there. Anyone know if that's possible?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A few pictures while we wait...

Cover letter is written, just awaiting call back from Senator McCaskill's office...

July and Peanut chillin

July sleeping with her piggy friend

Monday, November 16, 2009

Senator McCaskill's Office Called!

I sent off Herman's emails around 7:20am this morning to Senator McCaskill and Congressman Carnahan's staff members. By 8:45am, Herman called me and said that someone from the Senator's office contacted him on his cell. He (Herman) is supposed to get a cover letter written to go with Senator McCaskill's letter to the TSA!Someone will be contacting Herman again in a couple of days. So that is where we stand right now!!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Senator McCaskill & Congressman Carnahan, call me please!!

Many thanks to Krista from Greytalk, we have staffer names and emails for both Senator Claire McCaskill and Congressman Russ Carnahan!!

Krista proofed our emails and tweaked them for us since she is in the know! They are ready and we will be sending them out first thing Monday and hoping/praying one or both call Herman!! Please wish us good luck!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


We're trying to get in touch with Senator Claire McCaskill and Congressman Russ Carnahan to ask for their help. We will keep you updated on the progress.

I haven't had much success in getting in touch with a contact at Lackland for guidance. No one seems to know him... he's only been there since 2006 and it's possible he does travel to other cities to do handler and canine evaluations.

John Wayne doesn't scare me!

There aren't many things that July is afraid of...
This was Kodi's first close-up look at July on her first day home.

I bet poor Kodi was thinking, "What have you brought us, take it back!"

In no uncertain terms she put a John Wayne impersonator in his place when he tried to give Herman an autographed postcard.
She is afraid of storms, but there's one thing that keeps July on her toes.

Meet Kitten.
Rescued from busy Highway 70 rush hour traffic in June by another police officer at Lambert.